Frequently Asked Questions


  • Osteopathy is a hands-on therapy that treats the neuro-musculo-skeletal system (nervous system, bones, ligaments, muscles & connective tissue). Osteopaths take a holistic approach and consider the body as one functioning unit.

  • Osteopathy can help treat musculoskeletal pain and improve function so you can better enjoy life.

    This can include everything from jaw pain, headaches or rib pain to ankle sprains, pelvic pain and sciatica.

    Osteopathy can also help manage the symptoms associated with asthma, gut issues, menstrual issues, anxiety and more.

    For more information on what osteopathy can help with, check out our treatment pages

  • One of the beautiful things about osteopathy is the diversity of treatment styles.

    ‘Indirect’ techniques are gentle and work by unwinding the tissues. This kind of treatment is great for people experiencing high levels (acute) pain, babies, postpartum and treating around the organs.

    ‘Direct’ techniques challenge the tissues more and are great at helping to improve mobility and movement and reducing muscle tension

    Short answer, everyone! Reach out if you’d like to know whether osteopathy is appropriate for you & how you might benefit.

  • In Australia, osteopaths must complete a minimum of 4 years university education (previously 5 years). They are regulated health practitioners and have to adhere to the requirements outlined by AHPRA.

    Zoe, the osteopath behind Swell Osteopathy, completed 5 years study and graduated with a Bachelor of Clinical Science (double major in Human Structure & Function and Osteopathic Studies) and a Master of Osteopathic Medicine.


  • The pregnant body undergoes so many amazing changes to firstly create space for a growing bub and then prepare for safe delivery.

    Some of these changes are mechanical (for example: rolling forward of pelvis and arching of low back, rotation of hips and flattening of foot, flaring of ribs and rolling of shoulders). Other changes stem from hormonal differences, particularly the production of relaxin which helps soften our ligaments. Whilst this allows for our pelvis to widen during birth it also means that there is less support and increased stress for our joints.

    Whilst our bodies are perfectly designed for this, it can often result in aches and pains for a lot of women. Osteopathy helps support the body through these stages by maintaining mobility, creating space for baby to grow into and helping reduce load through joints.

    Osteopathy can also help manage other pregnancy-related complaints including headaches, reflux and pelvic girdle pain.

  • Whether you’ve had a vaginal or caesarean delivery, your body has been through a lot during childbirth. There’s healing to be done and all of those beautiful adaptations you went through during pregnancy slowly start to reverse themselves - with the added challenge of lifting/carrying a bub, feeding and not a lot of sleep!

    Osteopathy can support the body through these changes by creating balance through the pelvis & hips, keeping upper back and neck mobile and helping educate on new postural demands associated with feeding.

    In cases where there is incontinence, ongoing pelvic girdle pain, challenging labours or scarring (perineal or c-section) having a check up with your osteopath can be particularly beneficial.

  • There is no minimum time!

    Techniques can be adjusted to suit your needs, pain levels and method of delivery. Obviously it can be challenging getting out and about to appointments in those early days so whenever you feel comfortable/able is the perfect time.

    Likewise, it’s never too late!

    It is chaotic bringing a little baby into the world - days blur and time flies. A lot of women let little niggles go and can come to clinic years later saying ‘.. it hasn’t been the same since I gave birth’.

  • Absolutely!

    Being a family friendly clinic we are very used to accomodating for little ones. Whether that involves treating you whilst you’re feeding bub or the kids are playing in the toy area.

    Likewise, if you would prefer to have some ‘me time’ or would find it stressful to have your little ones in with you during appointments we can work bookings around when suits you or you can bring a support person to help entertain.

  • Parents can be apprehensive about getting their children treated.

    The biggest difference is the style of treatment - babies only ever need very gentle work & typically respond very quickly.

    Babies have been tucked up nice and cozy for 9 months & have been on quite the journey to get here (whether vaginally or c-section). Treatment often looks at helping them unwind any patterns or restrictions they might have acquired along the way.

    Techniques may include gentle articulation, stretching and cranial work.

  • There is no minimum age!

    Babies typically respond very well to treatment so it can be good to get treatment sooner rather than later in a lot of cases (especially regarding head preference/flattening or feeding/gut concerns).

  • As a family-friendly clinic we are used to working in with bub’s schedule. We are able to treat baby whilst they’re asleep or feeding (bottle or breast). We also have an area in the clinic dedicated to mums & bubs with a feeding space and change table so there’s no need to rush before or after appointments.

What to expect

  • Typically, an initial consult involves a good chat (discussing what brings you in for treatment, medical history & general health and wellbeing check).

    This is followed by an examination where we look at how your body is moving, where might be restricted & what is contributing to the problem. Examination may involve nerve or orthopaedic testing if relevant to your condition.

    Once we have a thorough idea of what’s going on, we can get into treatment which is tailored to each individual. For more information on what treatment might involve, click here

  • Please dress in comfortable clothing that you are able to move freely in. In some cases you may be asked to move or remove items of clothing, however, you are always allowed to say no if you are uncomfortable and would prefer not to.

  • An initial consult goes for 40 minutes. You’ll receive an email prior to your first appointment with a form to complete regarding previous medical history. Completing this before your appointment generally allows for more hands-on time.

    All subsequent consults are 40 minutes.

Pricing and referrals

  • Initial consultations are $140 and all subsequent consults are $120.

  • No, in Australia, Osteopaths are primary health care practitioners and as such don’t require a referral from a GP.

    However, there are some situations where you may be eligible for a Chronic Disease Management (CDM) plan which allows up to five partially-rebated appointments through Medicare each year. Please discuss your eligibility with your GP.

  • Yes, we are able to process private health rebates at the time of your appointment. Please check with your provider to see if you’re eligible for extras.